Friday, August 29, 2014

Friendly Children. Piled in a crowd - p-times! And the house is ready!

Who are the Amish and how they live in the United States September sofa bed 29, 2012 | Filed under: People and tagged with: Amish in America, life in America, as the feed in the United States, about life in America, the living standards of the United States, prices in the United States
Strictly speaking, the Amish - a religious movement. But I write about the Amish because they here in the United States, many of you know, and often cited as an example. And say, "Well, you're a real Amish!". You became interesting? - Well, listen.
I now watch TV series Friends . Slowly overcomes a series of a series, putting the English sofa bed audio track. Like, at the same time tightens language. So in this series or sitcom Amish remembered through two series of the third.
Basically, it looks like this. For example, one of the heroes of the film is going to make a sleek table on the computer. A second asked him: "Why on the computer, a pen on paper, can not we?"
Are simple life ... and clothes, reluctance to accept some of the modern technology and conveniences. Movement of followers of Jacob Amman appeared in 1693 in Europe, but then most of the Amish were forced to escape persecution, to emigrate to America. Currently, most Amish live in the United States and Canada.
You can read about the Amish, do something about them a lot of writing. sofa bed But apart from the fact that in a conversation Americans Amish - as a symbol of a man who does not recognize the technological development, there is still something interesting.
PS It turns out there is a movie about the Amish with a very well-known artists. Starring Harrison Ford and Kelly McGillis (remember the doctor of Top Gun with a young Tom Cruise). A film called "Witness." Here is his infomercial.
My name is Vladimir Yachmennikov, and I lived in Russia for almost half a century. In 2005 he came to America and was amazed at how little I knew about this country! On this site, just telling about their experiences. Can you it will also be interesting!
Friendly Children. Piled in a crowd - p-times! And the house is ready!
At Amish with medicine in general merriment. Since it is a closed community, there are many closely-related marriages. sofa bed Therefore, the Amish more than usual, hereditary diseases. And if so, then it's all you can learn ...
Public health insurance, the Amish do not respect, and basically use the church a benefit fund. His doctors do not have. Nevertheless, even in the United States there are hospitals, is focused on the Amish.
Then there's the fact that the Amish are well kept family history for many years. And it can be good to learn some diseases, such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's. So that the Amish are constantly grazing scientists. Yes, the Amish themselves do not mind, study, if for business use ...
October 3, 2012 at 9:53 am
Like, I also noticed Ajgerim. As for ease of clothes: I think that rural work is difficult to perform in drainpipe trousers or something like that. Probably at that time is the best clothing matched the simple life.
I loved your article, as previously did not know about the Amish. Of course, this information is not enough to learn more about the life, the spoken language, and culture of this nation. Very interesting people: I do not fit in my head, as much as possible sofa bed in our time, and even in the technically advanced countries such as the USA, Canada, do not use technological advances to facilitate domestic sofa bed work of women. I pity them.
They are Protestants, Sura. Rather, one of the branches of Protestantism. About Auroville and I have not heard even useful to watch. It is interesting, though a bit of another story, but close to the Amish. Thank you, it's interesting to learn new!
I know about the technology, and personal care products also nizya? In general, very interesting! What pushes people to this? Although, maybe we're just spoiled by civilization and life without the "diapers" and "orbit" is not present, namely, their society is healthy? I thought just like a monkey from a joke break! :-))
I accidentally found out about them from the TV series "Bones" like ... I'll check the list of the series, but then I reconsidered many series ... Yes, exactly - Season 5 Episode 3. That there really showed them interesting, though, and the time was that teens could learn to go somewhere (actually it started with - have found the bones of the teenagers), and then returned home. I did not know - is it true.
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