Monday, August 25, 2014

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Velkommen Forskning hansen og blogg Om behandlingen Behandlingskonseptet DermoNeuroModulation Strukturell Integrering Ligamentbehandling Mykvevsmanipulering Percussor Dry Needling Ernæring hansen Trening Dynamisk stretching Pust Om Marius Kurs i 2014
Spennende studie som nevner at blodsirkulasjonen øker i området hansen som har stølhet. Og den økte blodsirkulasjonen vedvarer i mer enn 48 timer etter treningen. hansen I dette tilfellet i leggen som ble trent. De mener det er pga økt betennelse i muskelen.
There was a significant main effect for time for blood volume (p=0.023) and blood flow (p=0.010), with no significant difference in blood flow velocity (p=0.316). There were significant hansen increases in blood volume (p=0.001) and blood flow (p<0.001) immediately postexercise (9.77 3.19 dB and 3.53 0.86 dB/sec), respectfully in the contralateral hansen limb compared to baseline (6.18 2.05 dB and 2.40 0.69), with no change in blood flow velocity hansen (p=0.487). The effect size for blood volume hansen was 1.34 (0.09, 2.60) and blood flow was 1.41 (0.15, 2.68). The increases in contra lateral blood volume (p=0.002) and blood flow (p=0.003) were maintained at 48 hours (9.41 1.90 dB and 3.51 0.47 dB/sec) compared to baseline, with again no change in blood flow velocity (p=0.411). The effect size for blood volume was 1.62 (0.32, 2.92) and blood flow was 1.86 (0.51, 3.22). There were no changes in blood volume (p=0.814), blood flow (p=0.962), hansen or blood flow velocity (p=0.493) between post-exercise and 48 hours for the contra lateral limb.
Following eccentric exercise to a single limb, the contralateral limb resulted hansen in increased hansen blood volume and blood flow immediately after exercise and at 48 hours post exercise. From previous research in our lab [ 12 ] immediately after eccentric exercise, blood volume and blood flow increased in the exercise leg by 42% and 80%, respectfully. From this study, the contra lateral leg increased 17% and 35% for blood volume and blood flow, respectfully. hansen This finding supports earlier work by Seals [ 7 ] and Taylor et al. [ 8 ] that identified vasodilatation of the contra lateral limb after exercise initiation. Blood flow velocity did not change in the contra lateral limb after exercise and at 48 hours. Since this limb was not exercised, recruitment of capillaries is not necessary, as would be in exercised muscle [ 14 ].
Eccentric exercise increased microvascular perfusion immediately after exercise in the contralateral limb, which had not been examined before. The increased perfusion was maintained over 48 hours, hansen so the prolonged increased in perfusion of the contralateral limb may have been due to an inflammatory response or the extra demands placed on the contralateral limb for support hansen during walking.
Navn (påkrevet)
Apnea Behandling Betennelser bevegelse bindevev Blodsirkulasjon CO2 Colostrum D-vitamin Diafragma diagnostisk spesifisitet Dry Needling Ernæring fibromyalgi gluten hjernen hjertet holde pusten holdning Hormoner HRV huden Hyperventilering insulin kjernetemperatur Kortison kramper Ligamenter Magnesium Meditasjon melatonin melkesyre mindfulness mitokondria Natron hansen Nervesystemet nitrogenmonoksid oksidativt stress percussor vibrasjon pH Placebo probiotica pustefunksjon Pustemuskler Pustemønster ryggraden Smerte stamceller Stress stretching trening tummo tunnel syndromes tynnfibernevropati vagus nerven vann Siste innlegg Immediate hansen effects of breathing hansen re-education on respiratory function and range of motion in chronic neck pain. Effect hansen of graded hypoxia on supraspinal contributions hansen to fatigue with unilateral knee-extensor contractions. Central and Peripheral Fatigue in Male Cyclists after 4-, 20-, and 40-km Time Trials. Hvordan lese forskningsartikler Sukker + inflammasjon = sant? Vibration Therapy in Management of Delayed Onset Muscle hansen Soreness (DOMS). Flere studier om dehydrering The meaning of mechanically produced responses Diagnosis and management of adhesive capsulitis Trigger point dry needling as an adjunct treatment for a patient with adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder. Kategorier Behandling (2) Bilder og anatomi (8) Filmer og foredrag (29) Forskning og artikler (379) Highlight artikler (44)
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