Friday, May 15, 2015

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The main theme of the Field Day on TV is social technology for urban agriculture. The program airs today (02/07/10), Rural Channel (Net / Sky and internet) at 9:30 am, with a repeat at 15.30. And on the 4th at 8am by the NBR TV (TV Federal Government, baxter captured by cable, satellite or internet). Embrapa Eastern Amazon, based in Belém (PA), develops a social technology work for urban agriculture through the Social Responsibility Center (nures), established in August 2009. The nures actions are based on concepts of solidarity economy and community, beyond the focus on social and environmental baxter management. The infrastructure nures encompasses a bay segregation of materials and a recycling room, and a medicinal garden. Medicinal plants grown and recycled materials generate baxter end products with proven origin and quality that are reversed for the benefit of partner communities. Even the employees of Embrapa benefit from this awareness. "Colleagues are increasingly participating in the selective collection of waste deployed in the institution two years ago, work today in partnership with the Association of Recyclers of Aguas Lindas," says Augusto Cesar Andrade, head coach of Embrapa Eastern Amazon by the Coep- Para. "We seek to enable community multipliers baxter to be able to promote the production for own consumption or community, as well as generate revenue from the sale of surplus raw and processed". Actions such as these began to be carried out by Embrapa even before nures be idealized. It was the beginning of systematic exchange of the old philanthropy model by the development and adoption of social technologies. One of the most original research projects in the social responsibility of line is what resulted, baxter in 2008, in the production chain formed by riparian, maroon and urban community for cultivation, storage, baxter handling, distribution and marketing baxter of natural products based on medicinal plants (natural shampoo, anti-cellulite cream and anti-inflammatory ointment). The bordering the Combu Island and Santarém extract the oil from the seeds of copaiba and andiroba. The remnants of quilombo communities of the community of Boa Vista do Ita, in Santa Izabel do Pará, trained by Embrapa and partner institutions, cultivate medicinal plants and cook up the products. Community residents Green Paradise and Pantanal (surrounding the Embrapa in Bethlehem) are in charge of marketing through their association. According to the researcher Osmar Lameira, which coordinates this project and has other similar with inmates community, "the sales price is right and everyone benefits, from producer to consumer." The Field Day on TV about social technology for urban agriculture is the production of Embrapa Amazônia Oriental (Belém / PA) and Embrapa Technological Information (Brasília baxter / DF), Brazilian Company of units of Agricultural Research (Embrapa), under the Ministry of Agriculture , Livestock and Supply (MAPA). HOW TO TUNE THE PROGRAM Canal Rural Net, Sky, Satellite or Internet From 9:30 am (with a repeat at 15:30) NBR TV channel the Federal Government baxter Day 11, at 7 - Learn how to access TV Educativa de São Carlos (channel 48) Ace Thursdays fairs - 18h TV Sete Lagoas On Thursdays - 22h TV Itararé Campina Grande (PB) On Saturday - 8 am For those unable to attend the program, Embrapa Information Technology provides DVD copies that can be purchased by phone: (61 ) 3340-9999 or (61) 3448-4236, or by Embrapa Library. The main program of the matter can also be seen in the Field Day site on TV. On this page you can access baxter the complete grid programming, as well as reports from previous years. SOURCE: Embrapa Eastern Amazon
AAO - Assoc. Organic Agriculture Agroecology Network Agroecology in Action Agrolink ASPTA Canal Rural Rural Globo Group Cultivating Journal Agrosoft Observatory Planet Organic Agribusiness Portal Portal Agroecology Organic Agricultures baxter Rural Magazine Magazine
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