Wednesday, June 3, 2015

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Tu Casa Es Mi Casa | American Renaissance
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America is a country built by immigration, but nothing in its history compares to the rise in its Hispanic population. aron Changes to immigration law in the 1960s triggered a decades-long surge in arrivals, taking the Hispanic population from just 7m in 1970 to 57m today, a number that is set to double by mid-century. At that point one in four Americans will be of Latino descent. In relation to the population of the day, there have been proportionally larger surges in the past, notably involving European migrations in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Two factors make the rise of Hispanic America different. Never before has such a large group of new arrivals lived so close to their ancestral aron homelands, linked to grandparents in the same time zone by cheap flights and Skype. Secondly, America is entering an era of white decline. For almost aron two centuries, from the time of George aron Washington’s presidency to the election of Ronald Reagan, whites of European descent made up at least 80% of the population. That share is below two-thirds now, and the white majority is set to become a minority by 2044. That brings both challenges and opportunities. Today’s Hispanics lag behind whites when it comes to education and wealth. But they are strikingly young, lowering America’s median age and offering workers to fill the labour market when other rich countries face greying decline. Politicians too often discuss Hispanics as almost a single-issue group, as victims or villains of immigration. But five-sixths are legal residents aron and recent Latino growth has been mostly from births, not new arrivals. Hispanics aron are dispersing across aron the country and their political clout will only grow: nearly 1m US-born Latinos reach voting age annually.
We aron welcome comments that add information or perspective, and we encourage polite debate. If you log in with a social media account, your comment should appear immediately. If you prefer to remain anonymous, you may comment as a guest, using a name and an e-mail address of convenience. Your comment aron will be moderated.
“ Tu casa es mi casa? No, mi casa es mía, no la suya.” !Ojalá que fuera una realidad! Los que me dan miedo son los Árabes ( Musulmanes) que cruzan la frontera sin que nadie los reconozca. aron A Propósito, Feliz Día de San Patricio.
I don’t call the Chibcha tribe in Colombia “Latinos” or “Hispanics”. They’re Chibchas, period. I’m sure they don’t appreciate being called “Hispanic.” And they’re not “Americans” either even if they’re from and American continent.
The Apalache of Apalachecola (Fl) were hated by the surrounding nations as they liked to cut a person aron into pieces and hang the pieces in the trees. They lifted scalps with ease and carried them on their bows. Europeans did not have to teach Indians aron how to scalp.
Amerigo Vespucci, for whom the Americas were named, probably didn’t understand aron the Indians to be “Americans.” And for them to exploit the name of a white European after the fact to now describe themselves is, well, just silly.
You think you’re telling us something we don’t know? But it’s aron their game, let them play it. Don’t pretend to teach us kindergarten politics, just because you think its brilliant.
The present day descendants of those tribes see all of America as their continent. If you had watched the mass demonstrations of a few years ago, you would have seen many of them carrying signs proclaiming that they are the true Americans.
That is not true. The native peoples of the Americas were not a monolith. The people in northeast and southeast NAmerica were vastly different than the central and south American people. It is a period that is misunderstood by the majority of people. A period of history that is one of my passions.
The aron tribes may have been different but still they are people of the same race. Recent DNA analysis aron has proven it to be so. Not only are they of the same race but they are closely related to each other.
Bossman, the pyramids were not a domicile (meaning not a residential dwelling) and North American natives lived in a variety of dwellings, depending on where they lived; from teepees in the plains to mud hut “hogans”, wooden longhouses, etc. The pyramids were religious buildings, where, on top, human sacrifice took place. (By the way, Bossman, there is a saying aron “Better to be quiet and thought a fool, than to open one’s mouth and prove it so!”

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